5 Employee Retention Strategies for 2021
Posted: July 13, 2021
2020 and 2021 have brought a new set of challenges to employers – and their workers. Unless your business delivered essential services, it is likely that most of your employees worked from home. While many businesses have "weathered the storm" and will return to doing business as usual, others are facing larger challenges. The power has shifted from employer to the workforce, with hundreds of...
How Big Should My Business Be To Offer Group Benefits?
Posted: July 13, 2020
If you want to source and retain top talent, an attractive employee group benefits package is a valuable asset. Even with a startup or a small company, it works to your advantage to offer as many group benefits as you can, as soon as you can. Start offering group benefits before it becomes difficult to attract and retain the best employees. What Group Benefits Should...
Top 7 Considerations When Choosing A Group Health Plan To Offer
Posted: March 13, 2020
Employee benefits are a key factor in recruiting and retaining top talent. Group health insurance is an important part of your employee benefits package that helps your company compete in the marketplace. If you are shopping for a group health plan, the following rank among the top factors to consider. Number Of Employees To be eligible for group health insurance, you must have between one...